Friday, July 28, 2006
Monday, July 10, 2006
Some Knitting Pics

This is the Mason Dixon washcloth. I used the Mission Falls cotton. I just love this book.

This is the pre-felted bag for Miss Jaime. It is lime green and orange. The colors are really more vibrant in person but you can sort of get the jist. This yarn is cool, it is called Lobster Pot. It is hand dyed in a lobster pot and air dried in the Cape Cod sea salt air. The kid better like it.

Finally, one sock, still working on the other one. This is my take along project that I keep in my purse when I go to doctor office visits and what not. The other one will be done by the Fall so I can wear them. They feel so comfy.
Friday, July 07, 2006
Wish I had a Camera
I had four digital cameras, now I have three. Miss Jaime lost one of the cameras, somewhere; maybe I will find it in her room when I finish cleaning it.
In my possession, at this particular time I have 1, an old Fugi, one meg that uses 4 AA batteries and weighs a ton. A camera phone takes better pictures than the Fugi. Where are the other cameras? My lovely children who are on vacation, that I so missed yesterday, have them and left me with the crappy camera.
How come no one can lose that camera? I walk in the kitchen and there it is, I see it everyday, can’t lose it. I need to start taking my own pictures instead of bothering Jodi to take them and emailing them to me. But whenever I do get the cameras back, the batteries are dead and no batteries in the house. I can’t stand it.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Where are my Children
I did accomplish cleaning Cameron’s room already. And guess what? He has a floor. I also found out, he has a floor with no rug. The rug was moved to the “band room” under his drum set which is more important than having a rug in his room, I guess. Oh well, off to the store, to get a rug, maybe a shag rug to match his shaggy hair.