Wish I had a Camera
I had four digital cameras, now I have three. Miss Jaime lost one of the cameras, somewhere; maybe I will find it in her room when I finish cleaning it.
In my possession, at this particular time I have 1, an old Fugi, one meg that uses 4 AA batteries and weighs a ton. A camera phone takes better pictures than the Fugi. Where are the other cameras? My lovely children who are on vacation, that I so missed yesterday, have them and left me with the crappy camera.
How come no one can lose that camera? I walk in the kitchen and there it is, I see it everyday, can’t lose it. I need to start taking my own pictures instead of bothering Jodi to take them and emailing them to me. But whenever I do get the cameras back, the batteries are dead and no batteries in the house. I can’t stand it.
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